ISSN 2410-6836 PRINT ISSN 2409-0867 ONLINE
  • Bait Al-Mashura Journal

    The journal aims at providing an opportunity to researchers and professionals for publishing their academic outcomes such as researches and studies in the fields of Islamic economics and Islamic banking

  • Bait Al-Mashura Journal

    The journal aims to provide an opportunity for researchers and specialists to arbitrate and publish their scientific output of research and studies in the field of Islamic economics and banking.

  • Bait Al-Mashura Journal

    A semiannual refereed international scientific journal for publishing researches in the fields of Islamic economics and Islamic banking.

Papers submitted to Bait AL-Mashura Journal are screened for plagiarism using Similarity Check / iThenticate plagiarism detection tools.

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Current Issue

Bait Al-Mashura

This is a semiannual refereed international scientific journal for publishing researches in the fields of Islamic economics and Islamic finance. The journal aims at providing an opportunity to researchers and professionals for publishing their academic outcomes such as researches and studies in the fields of Islamic economics and Islamic finance. It also aims at spreading the knowledge of the Islamic economic and Islamic finance industry through our website making these researches and studies available to those who are interested.

To be a leading, scientific and international journal in the field of Islamic finance industry. Message To publish the scientific researches in the field of Islamic finance industry in pursuant to the accredited global standards.

To provide an opportunity to the researchers for get their works peer-reviewed and published in the field of Islamic finance industry. To contribute in the development of Islamic finance industry through the good quality scientific researches. To present the Islamic finance under the Shari’ah premises in a contemporary perception.

- To provide an opportunity to the researchers for get their works peer-reviewed and published in the field of Islamic finance industry.
- To contribute in the development of Islamic finance industry through the good quality scientific researches.
- To present the Islamic finance under the Shari’ah premises in a contemporary perception.
- Establishment of Database that achieve the scientific reference of the Journal so that it is a documentary record of research and studies in the field of the Islamic financial industry.


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This is a semiannual refereed international scientific journal for publishing researches in the fields of Islamic economics and Islamic finance. The journal aims at providing an opportunity to researchers and professionals for publishing their academic outcomes such as researches and studies in the fields of Islamic economics and Islamic finance. It also aims at spreading the knowledge of the Islamic economic and Islamic finance industry through our website making these researches and studies available to those who are interested.

Screening for Plagiarism: Papers submitted to Bait AL-Mashura Journal are screened for plagiarism using Similarity Check / iThenticate plagiarism detection tools.

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Bait Al-Mashura

Bait Al-Mashura (Al Bait) is a specialized center for consultations related to finance, investment, management, Shari’ah audit, and professional training. It was established in 2007 and obtained the license from Qatar Central Bank for offering financial and investment consultations, thereby it has become the first Qatari firm to obtain such a license in the State of Qatar. VISION To be a global leader offering financial, Shari’ah, investment and management consultations, besides Shari’ah audit, development as well as training in different fields of finance industry. MISSION To Disseminate concepts of finance, rules and provisions and to insure their application in the highest standards of quality and excellence through modern and scientific methods by qualified human resources.

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International Academic Refereed Journal On Islamic Economics and Finance